Company Information

The company name is Forex Strategy Course, a sole proprietor based in the United Kingdom.

Our website address is:

Data Protection Legislation

We comply with the requirements of data protection legislation e.g. The Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (also known as GDPR).  We also comply with PECR (Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations).  Our site will also comply with other data protection legislation as we operate in other legislative areas including the United States.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it


This website uses cookies. Cookies are used to support the functionality of this website and also for analytics related to site usage. The legal basis for this processing is consent based upon your acceptance of the cookie processing when first visiting the website.


We use Google Analytics and their tracking cookies to monitor usage of the website.

Data Processing

We process your personal data when you sign up for our training courses.

Note – the legal basis for processing this data is implied consent which is given at the point where you submit the form.

Sharing of personal data

We will share your data with our appointed third parties, these include:

 Note – We never share our customer details with other customers.  We strictly keep the details of our clients confidential.

 Data Retention

We adhere to the principles of data protection (as a Data Controller) with regards to the retention of personal data.  This means that we only retain the data for legitimate purposes and for proportionate timescales that relate to:

Rights of Individuals

We comply with all the rights of Data Subjects under applicable data protection legislation.  

Contact our Data Protection Team at [email protected]  if you have any other queries relating to the processing of personal data.

Transfers of Personal Data

We may transfer your data outside of the United Kingdom (UK) and or the European Economic Area (EEA).  All transfers must conform with the applicable data protection legislation including the requirements to ensure that appropriate additional safeguards are in place.

Information Security

We endeavour to ensure that your personal data is kept safe.  We comply with the requirements of Article 32 (UK GDPR) in relation to the protection of personal data.

This means that:

Contact our Data Protection Team at [email protected] if you have any other queries relating to the security of the processing of personal data.

What data breach procedures we have in place

In the event of a known or suspected data breach we will notify all affected website users within 72 hours.